FABx Stories Worth Telling

Sara Agah Franti

A child of Baha’i refugees from Iran, Sara Agah Franti was raised with values of service and acceptance. But from childhood to motherhood, she would have to move through some painful experiences and make hard choices to make these values her own.

She co-founded Do It for The Love with her musician husband, Michael Franti—using the power of music to inspire hope in those facing life-threatening illnesses. She also runs a wellness hotel with Michael hosting music and yoga retreats.

Sara supports women to discover their deepest values so they can live a fulfilling and impactful life.


The More Sorrow One Sees, the More Perfect One Becomes

Sara Agah Franti explains the terrifying circumstances under which her parents moved to Canada. She recalls racist comments made to her and her family just because they were different. “This feeling of sadness moves up and wraps me up.” Facing...
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